Investor Relations

Investor FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. founded?

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. was formed on November 9, 2006, as a result of a merger between Thermo Electron Corporation and Fisher Scientific International Inc.

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Where is the company’s stock listed and what symbol does it trade under?

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is traded under the symbol “TMO.”

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What is the CUSIP number for the company’s common stock?

The CUSIP number for the common stock of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is 883556 10 2.

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Who is the transfer agent for Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. common stock?

EQ + AST: Becoming EQ is the transfer agent. You may contact them as follows:
by phone 1-800-937-5449 within the US or 1-718-921-8124 outside of the US
on the Web
in writing at Operations Center, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219

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Whom do I contact for lost stock certificates, address changes, change of ownership and questions on stock certificates?

Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s transfer agent: American Stock Transfer & Trust Company. You may contact them as follows:
by phone 1-800-937-5449 within the US or 1-718-921-8124 outside of the US
on the Web
in writing at Operations Center, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219

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Does Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. pay a dividend?

Yes, please see the Dividends page of the company’s website for detail.

Future declarations of dividends are subject to board approval and may be adjusted as business needs or market conditions change.

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Does Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. have a dividend reinvestment plan or a direct stock purchase plan?

No, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. has neither a dividend reinvestment plan nor a direct stock purchase plan.

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How can I buy or sell shares of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.?

Please contact your financial institution or brokerage firm in order to buy or sell shares.

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Has Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. ever had a stock split?

Since Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. was formed in 2006, it has not had a stock split. Please see the Historical Price Lookup page for a list of historical TMO stock splits.

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How can I research my historical cost basis on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Fisher Scientific International Inc., Dionex Corporation and/or Life Technologies Corporation shares?

Please see the Historical Price Lookup page on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s website for detail.

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How do I calculate the tax basis for shares I received in Viasys Healthcare Inc.?

To calculate your tax basis for your current holdings, please refer to guidance given in the following letter to shareholders. Additionally, please refer to the tax basis worksheet to assist you with your calculations.

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How do I contact Investor Relations?

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s Investor Relations Department can be contacted by calling 800-678-5599 within the U.S. and 1-781-622-1111 from outside the U.S. You may also email

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Patheon FAQ's

If I have not tendered my shares and want to do so, what do I do now? (UPDATED 3/20/18)

Thermo Fisher Scientific has tendered for, and acquired, all the shares of Patheon. Thermo Fisher allowed shareholders to voluntarily transfer their Patheon shares until March 14, 2018 for payment of $35.00 per share. For shares not voluntarily transferred during that process, under Dutch law, Thermo Fisher was required to provide the cash equivalent of the value of all remaining shares to the Dutch consignment office (a body of the Dutch Ministry of Finance). Thermo Fisher has paid EUR 28.60 per share (the euro equivalent of $35.00 plus statutory interest from August 29, 2017 up to and including March 15, 2018 in an amount of $0.38 per share) into consignment with the Dutch consignment office.

If you did not tender or voluntarily transfer your Patheon shares, you are advised to contact your broker or bank. Any Patheon shareholder who has not tendered their shares for payment can now only obtain payment from the Dutch consignment office. Brokers, Banks or individual holders of Patheon shares will need to contact the consignment office to arrange for payment of the EUR 28.60 per share.

More information about the consignment office is available on (Dutch only); the consignment office can be contacted via

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When was the acquisition of Patheon N.V. announced?

The acquisition was announced on May 15, 2017.

Link to Press Release

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When did the acquisition of Patheon N.V. officially close?

The acquisition officially closed on August 29, 2017.

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What will I receive in exchange for my Patheon N.V. shares which I tendered?

In accordance with the terms of the purchase agreement, Patheon N.V. shareholders who validly tendered their shares per the terms of Thermo Fisher’s tender offer will receive $35 in cash per share, without interest.

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If I tendered my shares in Thermo Fisher’s tender offer, when can I expect to receive payment for my shares?

All payments for shares validly tendered during the tender offer which ended on September 13, 2017, have been distributed. If you have not received payment, please check with your bank or broker.

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How can I research my historical cost basis on Patheon N.V. shares?

Please see the Historical Price Lookup page on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s website for detail.

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Are Patheon N.V. shares still traded on any exchange?

Patheon N.V. shares were delisted from the New York Stock Exchange on September 11, 2017.

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When did the acquisition of FEI Company officially close?

The acquisition officially closed on September 19, 2016.

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What will I receive in exchange for my FEI Company shares?

In accordance with the terms of the merger agreement, FEI Company shareholders will receive $107.50 in cash per common share.

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I hold shares of FEI Company. When can I expect to receive payment for my shares?

If you are a shareholder and have a stock certificate, you will receive a letter of transmittal from American Stock Transfer and Trust Company (AST). They were mailed out on September 22, 2016. You will need to complete the forms contained in the mailing and return them to AST to receive payment.

If you are a shareholder who owns shares beneficially through a bank or broker, the funds were transferred to DTC on September 21, 2016, and will be disseminated to all banks and brokers accordingly. Please check your account or contact your broker for more details.

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I hold some of my shares of FEI Company common stock in certificate form. Do I need to do anything with my FEI stock certificate(s)?

Yes. You will need to surrender your FEI Company stock certificate(s) to the Exchange Agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company (AST). If you hold physical stock certificate(s), you will be receiving a separate mailing from AST for this transaction, with detailed instructions on how to exchange your FEI Company stock certificate(s).

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What do I do if I hold shares of FEI Company common stock with my broker or custodian bank?

Your broker or custodian bank will exchange them for you. Please contact them directly for verification.

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Who should I contact if I have questions about the exchange of my FEI Company common stock?

Any questions regarding the exchange of FEI Company common stock should be directed to American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, the Exchange Agent. You may contact them as follows:

  • by Phone 1-800-937-5449 within the US or 1-718-921-8200 outside of the US
  • on the Web
  • in writing at Operations Center, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
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How can I research my historical cost basis on FEI Company shares?

Please see the Historical Price Lookup page on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s website for detail.

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Affymetrix FAQ's

When did the acquisition of Affymetrix, Inc. officially close?

The acquisition officially closed on March 31, 2016.

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What will I receive in exchange for my Affymetrix, Inc. shares?

In accordance with the terms of the merger agreement, Affymetrix, Inc. shareholders will receive $14.00 in cash per common share.

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I hold shares of Affymetrix, Inc. When can I expect to receive payment for my shares?

If you are a shareholder and have a stock certificate, you will receive a letter of transmittal from American Stock Transfer and Trust Company (AST). They will be mailed out on/about April 4, 2016. You will need to complete the forms contained in the mailing and return them to AST to receive payment.

If you are a shareholder who owns shares beneficially through a bank or broker, the funds were transferred to DTC on April 1, 2016, and will be disseminated to all banks and brokers accordingly. Please check your account or contact your broker for more details.

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I hold some of my shares of Affymetrix, Inc. common stock in certificate form. Do I need to do anything with my Affymetrix stock certificate(s)?

Yes. You will need to surrender your Affymetrix, Inc. stock certificate(s) to the Exchange Agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company (AST). If you hold physical stock certificate(s), you will be receiving a separate mailing from AST for this transaction, with detailed instructions on how to exchange your Affymetrix, Inc. stock certificate(s).

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What do I do if I hold shares of Affymetrix, Inc. common stock with my broker or custodian bank?

Your broker or custodian bank will exchange them for you. Please contact them directly for verification.

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Who should I contact if I have questions about the exchange of my Affymetrix, Inc. common stock?

Any questions regarding the exchange of Affymetrix, Inc. common stock should be directed to American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, the Exchange Agent. You may contact them as follows:

-by Phone 1-800-937-5449 within the US or 1-718-921-8200 outside of the US
-on the Web
-in writing at Operations Center, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219

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How can I research my historical cost basis on Affymetrix, Inc. shares?

Please see the Historical Price Lookup page on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s website for detail.

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Life Technologies FAQ's

When did the acquisition of Life Technologies Corporation officially close?

The acquisition officially closed on February 3, 2014.

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What will I receive in exchange for my Life Technologies Corporation shares?

In accordance with the terms of the acquisition agreement, Life Technologies Corporation shareholders will receive $76.13 in cash per common share.

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I hold shares of Life Technologies Corporation. When can I expect to receive payment for my shares?

If you are a shareholder and have a stock certificate, you will receive a letter of transmittal from American Stock Transfer and Trust Company (AST). They were mailed out on February 7, 2014. You will need to complete the forms contained in the mailing and return them to AST to receive payment.

If you are a shareholder who owns shares beneficially through a bank or broker, the funds were transferred to DTC on February 5, 2014, and will be disseminated to all banks and brokers accordingly. Please check your account or contact your broker for more details.

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I hold some of my shares of Life Technologies Corporation common stock in certificate form. Do I need to do anything with my Life Technologies stock certificate(s)?

Yes. You will need to surrender your Life Technologies Corporation stock certificate(s) to the Paying Agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company (AST). If you hold physical stock certificate(s), you will be receiving a separate mailing from AST for this transaction, with detailed instructions on how to exchange your Life Technologies Corporation stock certificate(s).

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What do I do if I hold shares of Life Technologies Corporation common stock with my broker or custodian bank?

Your broker or custodian bank will exchange them for you. Please contact them directly for verification.

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Who should I contact if I have questions about the exchange of my Life Technologies Corporation common stock?

Any questions regarding the exchange of Life Technologies Corporation common stock should be directed to American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, the Paying Agent. You may contact them as follows:
by Phone 1-800-937-5449 within the US or 1-718-921-8200 outside of the US
on the Web
in writing at Operations Center, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219

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How can I research my historical cost basis on Life Technologies Corporation shares?

Please see the Historical Price Lookup page on Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.’s website for detail.

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